Dec 17, 2023Liked by Daniel

To take the economic analogy a little further, we can view the marginal level of abuse leveled by the last teacher-student pair as the "market clearing price" of tutelage. The fact that demand exceeds supply is why that price is high (at least in the movie).

In the real world though, I suspect music teacher supply is not particularly elastic with regards to price (i.e. if teachers couldn't be abusive the supply of teachers wouldn't drop by very much) which means that traditional free-market mechanisms can do a poor job of price-setting. Much like how rationing and price-fixing laws can raise overall happiness during a shortage or natural disaster, external "regulatory" restrictions on abuse from teachers seem like they're likely to do a good job in this scenario.

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Thoughtful and well-put. I spoke to a friend who attended a conservatory about their experiences, and they mentioned some very...intense teachers. That being said, it's likely most music teachers don't think - like Fletcher does - that abuse is a necessary part of the instruction.

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