On the suicide plant & suicide tree - well, that *is* Australia, where *everything* is poisonous, even the politics. :)

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Yes, Australia does have terrifying flora and fauna :) - to be honest, I'm not sure which is worse: Australia or the Amazon (the rainforest, not the company).

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This was fun. Who is your target audience? I mean obviously this won't make the insipid and useless wastes of oxygen flock to your side and everybody *else* already agrees with you. Does this count as venting?

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Thanks! I had fun writing it.

And yeah, it is a case of venting - that's why I explicitly framed it as a "villain" post. That being said, while I do think there is a genuine case to be angry with the early environmentalist movement's agenda, I hope that most people reading this realize that is meant tongue in cheek.

As for the target audience, hopefully anyone with a sense of humor? This style of writing is meant to amuse more than persuade; I'll leave the nuanced and empathetic persuasive essays to my non-villain posts.

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